Violations among Alcohol Establishments, 2008-2019
Background: The Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD) is responsible for the licensing of establishment for the production and sale of alcohol in the state. Additionally, the ABD is responsible for oversight of licensed alcohol establishments to ensure compliance with liquor laws, such as selling alcohol to minors.
Map: The map to the right was designed to help the Alcoholic Beverages Division, communities, and public health agencies identify the locations of alcohol establishment violations recorded by ABD compliance officers. Red dots identify violations involving the sale of alcohol to a minor (42% of all violations) and grey dots identify all other violations. The map also includes information on the locations of alcohol establishment clusters, which are a known environmental health risk.
Interactivity: Click on the map layer feature in the top right corner of the map to see a list of map elements. The map allows users to view statewide alcohol violations by year. Check the squares to see violations for one or more years. Check or uncheck the squares to view clusters of alcohol establishments and alcohol-related car crashes. Use the buttons on the top left of the map to zoom in or out. Click on any of the circles to see learn more about the violation.
Definitions: Clusters are defined as five or more establishment within .15 miles of at least one other establishment in the cluster. On-premise establishments refer to locations that sell alcohol on-site, such as restaurants, bars, and taverns. Off-premise establishments are licensed to sell alcohol for off-premise consumption including gas stations, grocery stores, and liquor stores.
Sources: Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division, Alcohol Licenses Dataset, 2019
Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division, Alcohol Violations Dataset, 2008-2019
Iowa Department of Transportation, Drug/Alcohol Related Crashes, 2019